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What Exactly is Simple Church?

In today's "religious" context, we as God's people have sometimes over-complicated what it means to be church.  We at the Sanctuary Bay Churches are seeking simply to understand what Jesus and Bible tell us to do and to be as a church and then follow that.  


Did you know that "Church" actually means the "gathering of God's people"... Not a building?


While buildings, programs, and ceremonies are great and can often accentuate our worship, they can also distract us from what Jesus directly commands us to do.  The things we add to church can too easily be put in place to fulfill our desires and needs and distract us from Jesus' calling to serve Him by serving others.


So, our meetings are family style gatherings, with interactive teaching and lots of discussion.  We learn together and hold each other accountable.  We don't have Sunday Schools, Children's Church, or Youth Group.  Instead, we love for the family to learn and worship together.  We understand this will be messy and unorganized at times.  And that's ok!


Simple church allows us time to spend with our families and with our neighbors, rather than being tied up with a lot of "churchy" activities and programs.


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