Serving Others
We are in service together as a community, out in our communites. We go out together to share the gospel and to fulfill human and community need as we can.
Three for four times a year all the networked Sanctuary Churches come together to serve a community need and then worship as a large corporate gathering. We anticipate these meetings to be exciting times to meet and learn from each other and worship God as a larger community of believers.
Some types of service we will be engaging in...
Starting churches and bible studies in the Bay Area
Helping and providing support to pastors starting chuches in the Bay Area
Each gathering selects a local need that they have a passion for and they work together to fill that need.
Providing Gospel Conversation and movement training to all who desire to learn. Including established Churches and para-church organizations.
Disaster Relief
North American Mission Projects
Helping churches start across the nation.
Cooperative Program
Targeted Mission work, support and trips to a people group who have never heard the Gospel.
Preparing and training missionaries to go out into all the world. Currently training for ones to go to Africa and China.