Big News - See where God is taking us next.
Seven years. Not that we are numerologists, but it does have a nice completeness about it. We arrived in the Bay Area on April 29, 2015 and have been striving to serve faithfully in the mission God has set before us. With recent life changes we believe God is releasing us from full time work in the Bay and sending us back to Kentucky to begin a new work there. We will be flying back to Kentucky on April 29, 2022.
We have learned so much about the core missionary tasks and simple church as well as leading and mentoring a network of practitioners who do the same. God has taken us to school here in the Bay and we will be bringing our learning and experience back to the region we love so well, the beautiful Bluegrass State.
We have purchased a small farm in Winchester 15 minutes from our children, Austin, Katie & Colleen, and 20 minutes from Patti's dad, Lowell. We are also thrilled that Brett's dad, Lee will be moving with us and that his sister Lisa and her family will be visiting often.
Over time we will be building out our farm into a training & retreat center where we will host Evangelism and Four Fields Mission trainings, complete with overnight accomodations. Brett will also continue to serve as a catalyst and mentor for the No Place Left (NPL) network of church planters and missionaries. Our ministry in Kentucky will be called Sanctuary Springs, inspired by Psalm 84:5-7 and the many natural springs that can be found in and around the Bluegrass.
What joy for those whose strength comes from the Lord,
who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
When they walk through the Valley of Weeping,
it will become a place of refreshing springs.
The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings.
They will continue to grow stronger,
and each of them will appear before God in Jerusalem.
Our work in the Bay Area will continue to be led by Zach & Calley Medlock along with over 20 other NPL practitioners and leaders in the region. God is surely continuing his work here. We will continue to invest our time and energy in the Bay with regular calls, zooms and visits. We truly hope that you will continue to support the work here.
You can continue to reach us at our existing phone numbers and email addresses.
Prayer Needs right now:
Patience and strength during the transition
Faithfulness, vision & strength for those remaining in the Bay
Preparation of souls for the new harvest in the Bluegrass